Keith Johnston FOC

The long-term real estate strategies beloved of family offices rely on keeping an eye on the future

Uncertain political winds are blowing through the UK, but family offices are largely unfazed as they…

As the car as a means of transport becomes increasingly unpopular in cities, car parks might not be the…

Family Capital has identified 10 of the top real estate professionals working for single-family offices…

Cadogan is the privately-owned property investment and management company owned by the Cadogan family,…

As part of Family Capital and the Family Office Council’s new section – FAMILY OFFICE REAL ESTATE – w…

The power of love is an enduring mystery, but recent research has led to heated debate over whether wealth…

Pontegadea, the family office group of Spanish retail magnate Amancio Ortega, best-known for owning fashion…

The British government seems determined to proceed with a self-defeating public register of foreign owners…

With the UK’s Conservative-led government in turmoil over Brexit, the opposition Labour party is now a…