Keith Johnston FOC

Risk appetites have largely evaporated as families are starting to question the validity of a direct…

Too few family office executives make adequate contingency plans to find their next job in the sector

Family offices which fail to manage their staff will not only lose income and suffer a drain of capital

I understand there is a certain amount of envy among billionaires

Private family assets such as superyachts and jets are expensive, not just to buy, but also to run

Automation will help supplement traditional core commercial value-add strategies in real estate for family…

Commercial real estate yields in big city markets like London and New York may have taken a hit in recent…

Family office executives often express frustration that they are not treated like institutions

Single-family offices in the real estate space often develop deep expertise

Family offices seeking to co-invest in property are increasingly using real estate investment trusts…

Quantitative easing changed everything, and quantitative tightening will do the same, says Philip Higson,…

Tech entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel has hinted that his private investment office Thiel Capital…

The long-term real estate strategies beloved of family offices rely on keeping an eye on the future