Michael Foster

Family offices are increasingly offering their staff performance-related pay and long-term incentives…

Generation Investment Management has burnished its green credentials by raising $1 billion to invest…

Family office/ultra-high net wealth adviser Pictet, has delivered a potential storm warning to its clients,…

Few tasks in asset management are as mind-numbing as those which involve carrying out due diligence on…

There is no shortage of equity managers, on both sides of the Atlantic, who cite Warren Buffett as an…

It’s not unusual for the US stock market to be driven by the performance of a few big growth stocks.

Nearly a hundred years ago, on 11 August 1919, Andrew Carnegie passed away, renowned as a wealthy industrialist,…

It pays to follow the smart money, and some say you don’t get much smarter than the world’s central ban…

ClearGlass, a UK service provider, is keen to hear from family offices who want to learn more about hidden…

French philosopher Voltaire once said: “the spirit of property doubles a man’s strength”. For

Technology is disrupting the global economy at increasing speed, undermining traditional ways of working…

Bjarne Graven Larsen, chairman of Danish family office Kirk Kapital, is preparing to launch a low-risk…