Family Capital

In the last thirty years their numbers have grown extremely rapidly - that can't be sustained

One of the best ways to ensure continuing entrepreneurship is to retain the family CEO 

Family businesses are increasingly being pushed to follow “good” governance, but does better governance lea…

The sector is slow to adapt to the wider trends in society when it comes to gender equality

Long-term performance is much better, but their short-term troubles are a worry

They've had to eat humble pie for too long, now they want your business...

Warren Buffett has a point, the cradle of capitalism in the 21st century may actually be in Omaha

They don't always get on, but sometimes they do and create business dynasties as a result

R. Edward Freeman - a man with a vision Stakeholder capitalism has become fashionable

These royals actually manage their money - and are more than qualified to do so

James Lipscombe runs the biggest fish and chips empire in the UK

When unemployment was close to 30% of the workforce, they were foregoing profits to save jobs