Michael Foster

The principal makes investment decisions at 56% of US family offices, according to a survey published…

In the 1849 gold rush, the reliable way to make money was by selling picks and shovels to prospectors

Grosvenor Group cut its backing for new venture capital deals to zero in calendar 2023, against £45 …

With the help of generous tax breaks, South Dakota has emerged as the US state with the largest proportion…

More than a third of family offices are putting their future at risk by failing to create Investment…

As VC values droop, family offices risk discovering that their capital return could be even lower than…

Over the last twenty years, active managers have lost business worth trillions to passive funds, after…

Malaysia is the latest Asian country to start developing a family office hub, like its arch-rival Singapore,…

Geopolitical tensions have fuelled a surge in commodity prices this year, reinforced by an Asian economic…

Cross-generational disputes at family enterprises crop up with depressing frequency

Quantum computing company Quantinuum recently raised $300 million from investors led by JP Morgan Chase,…

Family offices are important suppliers of liquidity to the market, and the $1