
With the complexities around the alignment of interest between senior professionals and principals of…

The Shaver Family Office, founded in 2005 on the proceeds of oil and gas assets in West Virginia, is…

A spike in the share price of a little-known mining technology company listed on the New York Stock Exchange…

A family office whose name was inspired by a fictional company in a Seinfeld episode has recently hired…

Two thirds of family offices say talent retention is now "problematic", according to a survey by AlTi…

Since retiring as Microsoft chief executive in 2014, Steve Ballmer has set out to show that family offices…

The ongoing staff shortage problem for family offices exposes them to risks they may not fully appreciate…

The death of legendary hedge fund manager and mathematician Jim Simons has understandably led to a plethora…

Despite their relatively low profile, stretch loans to developers and others seeking real estate financing…

In the 1849 gold rush, the reliable way to make money was by selling picks and shovels to prospectors

With the help of generous tax breaks, South Dakota has emerged as the US state with the largest proportion…

A group of prominent family business consultants, financiers and academics have launched a new consultancy…

More than a third of family offices are putting their future at risk by failing to create Investment…