
Ten years ago, Family Capital was asked to write a story about China’s family office sector.

Reasons have been given as to why the financial group Rothschild & Co said it is going private this week

Family offices are changing the dynamic of the longevity of wealth, which will have consequences on how…

From virtually no online presence five years ago, many single-family offices now at least have a website

Creative destruction, the concept put forward by many that should be at the heart of a dynamic economy,…

If there is one prominent theme in the world of family capital in the year ahead, then it is the dominance…

The 2022 FIFA World Cup Final saw Germany defeat Argentina 5-4 in a penalty shoot-out following a goalless…

When $30 trillion was destroyed in 2008, not a single Wall Street CEO saw the inside of a prison

As much of the world economy enters a period of slower growth, even recession, family offices should…

Over the years, emerging markets have given family offices some appalling returns

Over the seventy years of her reign, the late Queen Elizabeth II offered a masterclass in how to manage…