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Family/principal investment money backs Elon Musk’s AI initiative, and logistics startups attract interest.

Backed by UK hedge fund pioneer Lord Stanley Fink’s family office, Danny Manu is raising funds to get a…

With the complexities around the alignment of interest between senior professionals and principals of…

It’s not the bandwagon.

The Shaver Family Office, founded in 2005 on the proceeds of oil and gas assets in West Virginia, is…

A spike in the share price of a little-known mining technology company listed on the New York Stock Exchange…

One of Europe’s biggest family-holding groups has embarked on a new chapter, transitioning to second-generation m…

A San Francisco-based family office, started by one of Silicon Valley's pioneers and now run by his son,…

More than $200 million from French family groups in an AI startup dominates the deals this week

The current obsession with AI and life sciences—which often has very little to do with actually making p…

Just in case you want another report on family office activity, one was released yesterday

You would have thought two of the most dynamic sectors in the market - life sciences and AI - could work…

A family office whose name was inspired by a fictional company in a Seinfeld episode has recently hired…