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An Austrian-based family office has acquired a majority stake in one of the world’s biggest makers o…

As the tech boom stumbles, value stocks have finally come back into fashion

Family offices should be agile and able to capitalise on market dislocations before they gain too much…

Post-IPO Funding Kinnevik has invested in Recursion Pharmaceuticals, a biotech group

Family offices should brace themselves for awkward decisions on whether or not to supply their portfolio…

One of the world’s wealthiest women appointed the country head of Goldman Sachs as the CEO of her family o…

As much of the world economy enters a period of slower growth, even recession, family offices should…

Entrepreneurs, and their family offices, are starting to deliver bargain basement bids for US companies…

A former senior partner of Apollo Global Management has set up an investment office to promote “positive t…

Unspecified Rounds Boxer Capital has invested in Enliven Therapeutics, a biotech group

The big feature for investors in 2022 has been the collapse in global markets, to a degree not seen since…

Weighed down by a lack of confidence and higher interest rates, London’s commercial property prices a…