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Post-IPO Funding Flerie Invest has invested in LipUm, a biotech group

Technology stocks have crashed, but Adobe’s $20 billion bid for US web-based graphic designer Figma s…

Record falls in European currencies against a very strong dollar have led to speculation US investors…

Tensions between family offices and asset managers are rising, with one investment advisor telling Family…

A UK-based mobile phone group has just received a massive investment from a family office, as the principal…

John Lennon had a yellow one. Sylvester Stallone had one but sold it on eBay

Private Equity Shamrock Capital has invested in Highwire PR, a social media PR platform

A digital co-operative backed by a Swiss family office, a giant pharmaceutical company and a top angel…

The continued move to impact-led investment strategies by family offices just took another big step forward…

Climate risk continues to grow but requires more private capital to fund innovation, following infrastructure…

Nic Arnold, UK private office head at advisory firm JTC, understands the passion behind purchasing a…

Volatility in the cryptocurrency market has become so extreme that crypto hedge funds can be one of the…